
Customers expressed frustration over the lack of a singular visibility tool that connects to their entire business, presenting real-time data.

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My Role

My responsibility was to design an application where our customers could manage their logistics within our warehouse operation.

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Understanding the User

I needed to identify the key users, their needs, current journey, and pain points in using UPS services. Leveraging these insights, I aimed to create a solution improving user experience and opening new revenue streams for UPS customers.

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Meeting our Key Users

Lets understand who will be using the application, what are their roles, how would our tool help them in their role, what will motivate them to use our tool, and what frustrates them the most when they currently operate with us?

Tye Duncano

Director of Supply Chain Architecure


Tye aims to strategically design supply chain systems aligned with company objectives


Tye's drive for innovation and pride in leadership motivate her to implement concrete enhancements in supply chain operations.


Tye often struggles with viewing processes across different business functions and geographical regions due to the lack of infrastructure

Deb Harn

Process Analyst


Deb's main goal is optimizing the flow of goods, ensuring precise tracking, and timely delivery to end consumers.


She is motivated to boost performance by improving data visibility and analytics in her global supply chain.


Deb often struggles with data silos and lack of real-time visibility in the supply chain. She also faces challenges with tracking shipments and ensuring on-time delivery.

Andrew Flocka

Distribution Manager


Andrews main goal is to ensure operations have accurate inventory and make sure orders are fulfilled ontime.


Andrew is motivated by operational excellence and ways he can automate areas in the warehouse.


Andrew often struggles with resource constraints and tight fulfillment deadlines that make it hard to upload reports during operation hours

Lets take a journey with our users

Now that I know who the users are, lets see how they us to conduct their business

Feel what they are feeling

As they go through, I note their what they are doing, saying, thinking, and feeling.

Key Take Aways

We learned that

  1. They have to login to multiple systems, pull and slice several reports, create a master report just to see their Orders and Inventory
  2. Miss critcal issues because operations the time it takes to get the reports, the order has already failed its SLA
  3. Cant trust our systems to get correct inventory count
  4. Frustrated that their data isnt streamlined to successfully and confidently make business decisions

Bootstrap Themes


Create one platform that allows UPS Customers to easily see their inventory levels, manage orders, predict potential problems, and make strategic decisions to improve their supply chain operations.

Feature and Sitemap

Now that we know what the problems are, we can define what features we need and how the site structure

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High level sketches of the pages to present to the user for feedback and approval





Time to turn my sketches into High Fidelity Wireframes

Example image

The Final Designs

Landing Page

Dashboard Overview

Finished Goods Dashboard

Forward Stocking Location

KPI Scorecard and Dashboard for selected FSLs

FSL - Dashboard
FSL - Scorecard

Distribution Center

KPI Scorecard and Dashboard for selected Distribution Centers

RDC - Scorecard
RDC - Dashboard - Inbound Weekly
RDC - Dashboard - Outboud Daily


Display of all the orders in a selected warehouse, details of an order, and a strategic view of orders

Orders - Todays Orders
Orders - Open Orders
Orders - Order Details
Orders - Orders Dashboard


Module that allows the user to search and view details for a SKU

Inventory - Search
Inventory - SKU Details


Listing of all the reports seperated by FSL and DC. User clicks on report and makes selection then hits run to view data

Reports List - DC
Reports List - FSL
Reports List - Report Selection
Reports List - Report

Data Collection

Section where a warehouse operator enters data points that calculates the score and displays on the FSL and DC KPI dashboard.

Data Collection - Edit
Data Collection - Submitted